Website choices
CodeWave offers 3 different Website options
We mainly produce 3 different types of websites, though some business goals may require a combination of them as well.
This website is mainly to show you off to your customers. It will contain up to 5 pages, typically a Home, About Us, Services, Media, and Contact page.
Typically $500 – $700
Scheduled Services
This website is for owners who provide timely services to their customers. Could be HVAC, Salon or Spa, Health Trainers, etc. This website will come with a built in scheduler that customers can book an avialable time, pay for services before-hand, and it will sync the details to a Gmail calendar.
Typically $800 – $1200
This website is for the DIY’ers. You create things and want to sell them. This website will come with an inventory management system, accept customer payments, and email notifications to you and your customers. No more paying fees to other websites to sell your items…you are in control!
Typically $1000 – $1500